Tuesday, August 21, 2012

Daily Rant for Tuesday, August 21

Heard on the morning talk shows this morning--from the ridiculous to the sublime to the political:

1.  Today is the 25th anniversasry of the release of DIRTY DANCING--great music, interesting story about class and acceptance, filmed in NC.  What's not to like!

2.  Shopping tips  when to shop for what:  Monday--electronics and cars (stores and lots are empty because most people shop for these things on weekends, might see some sales.  Tuesday--Airline tickets, especially after 3 PM--airlines trying to fill seats, good bargains, and gas,  Wednesday--entertainment--theme parks--parks are empty, might find some discounts,  Thursday--Clothes, shops are restocking in preparation for weekend: you get first choice.  Friday--Accessories, see Thursday, Saturday--Books,  Sunday--groceries: Sunday papers carry scads of coupons, and appliances.

3.  The Republican congressman from Kansas skinny dipping in the Sea of Galilee.  It  happened last year--why is this a 3 day (or more) story in the press?  Oh yeah, I forgot, he's a Republican and he's running (unapposed) for reelction, and it makes Romney look bad.  I went skinny dipping in the Grand Canyon on my high school trip--does that make me ineligible for the Presidency or even for Congressman from NC? Just as they say the Sea of Galilee is a 'sacred place (really?), isn't the Grand Canyon a sacred place to the Gaea people--the environmentalists who love the earth more than man.

4  Poll:  56% to 40% of respondents say they are NOT better off now than they were 4 years ago.  That includes me--4 years ago I didn't have leukemia--can I blame Obama for my condition, like Obama's people blame Romney for the cancer death of Mrs. Soptic.  It's logical--and I've finally found someone to blame (something else Obama is good at  when it comes to bad news or problems he hasn't been able to fix.)

5.  Study by Liberty Institute ( part of Liberty University) and Family Research Coucil (object of last week's assault) shows that religion (all religion, not just Chritianity) is under assault in THIS COUNTRY.  The news reports tell of two incidents--a cross in the Mojave desert that honors WWI dead (WWI was fought in the 19teens, almost 100 years ago, and the cross has been there forever (this is being attacked by an alliance of Atheists and the ACLU)  Obamacare's Birth Control mandate, in contradiction to the 1st amendment to the Constitution.  I'll add a third:  in clearing the ruins of the World Trade Center, they pulled up two beams in the form of a cross.  They decided to put it in the museum--Atheists object--separation of Church and State, which is NOT in the Constitution.  At the least, they want some acknowledgement that some atheists died in the attacks--but what is their symbol?  The last time they tried this (at a town's Chritmas display when there was also a menorah and some Muslim display, and I think even a Druid display.  What did the atheists put up when allowed? A huge placard attacking all belief in God as dangerous myth, destructive to intelligence and society--great Chritmas spirit (no other display attacked any other religion--just honored their own)

6.  In doing the Twain quotes, the book lists the subjects in alphabetical order.  Immorality and immortality are next to each other:  the only difference in the two words is the "T", the shape of a cross.  Is someone trying to tell us that the cross is the way to escape immorality and come to immortality?  Think about it!

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